CEFIA Digital Platform is launched!
We are delighted to officially announce the launch of CEFIA Digital Platform on 26 February 2021.
CEFIA Digital Platform Pre-launch
Cleaner Energy Future Initiative for ASEAN (CEFIA) serves as a platform to facilitate collaboration between public and private sectors in the development of cleaner and low carbon energy technology as well as acceleration of the energy transition in the ASEAN region. CEFIA Digital Platform will facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration.
(Announced on 28 Jan. 2021)
The key roles of CEFIA are Showcase, Workspace, Databank, and Catalyst.
CEFIA Digital Platform will provide various information of CEFIA activities to facilitate knowledge sharing and various collaborations.
The details of CEFIA Digital Platform was shared in the 2nd CEFIA Forum.
We are planning to launch it in late this February.

CEFIA Events
[Upcoming Event] Finance Virtual Event
Last update: 2021/02/26
Live Webinar & Virtual Workshop, 4 March 2021
As the part of the activities of Cleaner Energy Future Initiative for ASEAN (CEFIA), Finance Virtual Event (Live Webinar & Virtual Workshop) will be held virtually on 4 March 2021. The event is organized by Mitsubishi Research Institute on behalf of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI) in cooperation with the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) as a Secretariat of CEFIA. The event will further deepen CEFIA's activities in the field of finance and provide an opportunity for many stakeholders to participate.
1) Live Webinar:
Fostering mutual understandings of bottleneck and opportunities for accelerating cleaner energy finance.
2) Virtual Workshop:
Visualization of carbon footprint reductions by financial institutions.
Schedule: 4 March 2021, 13:00-15:15 (UTC+7) / 15:00-17:15 (Japan Time)
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Organization: Mitsubishi Research Institute on behalf of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI) in cooperation with the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) as a Secretariat of CEFIA.
Target Participant: Private, Public, Academia etc.
Register here (Link to CEFIA event Registration Office)
Participation in the event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory.
For more information
[Past Event]
2nd CEFIA Forum
The 2nd CEFIA Forum was held on February 2, 2021 (web conference).
Day/Time: 2 February 2021, 9:00 -15:30 (GMT+7)
Venue: Online
Host organization: Ministry of Energy, Government of Thailand
Secretariat: ASEAN Centre for Energy
Cooperator: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Government of Japan
The Forum was hosted by the Ministry of Energy of the Government of Thailand, in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), of the Government of Japan, with the support from the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) as a Secretariat. The CEFIA Forum took place back-to-back with the 15th ASEAN+3 NRE and EE&C Forum.
At the 2nd CEFIA Forum, ASEAN+3 government officials, international organizations, universities, and private companies gathered online to share progress on activities and discuss future activities aimed at energy transition and the realization of a low-carbon society in the ASEAN region.
*Based on (GMT+7).
Opening Remarks (9:00 - 9:10)
Progress of CEFIA (9:10 - 9:30)
Session I: Flagship Projects (09:30 -10:40)
1) Activities of RENKEI
2) Activities of ZEB (Zero Energy Building)
3) Activities of Microgrid
4) Idea of New Flagship Project Candidates
a) Idea of ASEAN-wide Collaboration on Cleaner Finance
b) Idea of High Efficiency Mobile Air-Conditioners (H-MAC)
Session II: APAEC Phase II and CEFIA Activities (10:40 -12:00)
Panel Discussion: CEFIA's Contribution to APAEC-II
1) Overview of APAEC Phase II
2) Perspective in ASEAN Member State:
a) Clean energy policies and initiatives in Thailand
b) Clean energy perspective, initiatives and policies in Brunei Darussalam
3) Expected Contributions of CEFIA to the Implementation of APAEC Phase II
4) Discussion and Q&A
5) Wrap-up
(Lunch Break: 12:00 -13:20)
Session III: Mobilization of Finance for Decarbonization Pathways (13:20-15:00)
1. Introduction of MOC Signing
2. Panel Discussion: How to Mobilize Finance for Decarbonization Pathways?
1) Issues Related to Finance
2) Concept of Transition Finance
3) ADB perspective on Mobilizing of Finance for Decarbonization Pathways
4) Sustainable and transition finance framework and taxonomy
5) Financing a cleaner energy transition in Thailand/ASEAN
6) Discussion and Q&A
7) Wrap-up
Wrap-up (15:00 -15:20)
Closing Remarks (15:20 -15:30)
Agenda is here.
The 2nd CEFIA Forum is now open to the general public for viewing on YouTube.
Cleaner Energy Future Initiative for ASEAN (CEFIA) was proposed by Japan and welcomed by the ASEAN+3 Ministers on Energy at the 16th ASEAN+3 Meeting of Energy Ministers in Bangkok, Thailand in September 2019. CEFIA was launched in Makati City, Philippines in November 2019 to serves as a platform to facilitate collaboration in the development of cleaner and low carbon energy technology as well as acceleration of the energy transition in the ASEAN region.
Key components are Low Carbon Technology, Institutions, and Finance.
Key roles are Showcase, Workspace, Databank, and Catalyst.

CEFIA Digital Platform
Secretariat of CEFIA Digital Platform
Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
The CEFIA Digital Platform is operated by the secretariat of CEFIA Digital Platform (Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.) on behalf of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, in cooperation with the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) as a Secretariat of CEFIA.
Terms of Use for the website:
[Disclaimer] The secretariat of CEFIA Digital Platform bears absolutely no responsibility for any action taken by the user involving the use of the information provided on this website ("Content") (including use of information based on edited Content). The Content may be modified, moved or deleted without prior notice. Information, products, or services on web sites accessible from this website ("Linked Sites") are operated independently by third parties. The secretariat of CEFIA Digital Platform shall not be held responsible for the content of any Linked Site or for any loss, damage or harm caused by your reliance on information obtained through any Linked Site.