The 6th CEFIA Forum

23 July 2024 at The Sukosol Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand (Hybrid)                  

You can also watch the 6th CEFIA Forum Video Archive and read the report at the following links.

    The 6th CEFIA Forum was held on 23 July 2024

    The 6th CEFIA (Cleaner Energy Future Initiative for ASEAN) Forum was held on 23 July 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand.


    CEFIA Forum is the Government-private Forum which is held on annual basis, serving as a platform to facilitate collaboration between public and private sectors for accelerating the development of cleaner energy and decarbonization technologies in ASEAN region.


    The 6th CEFIA Forum was hosted by The Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency is a department of Thailand's Energy Ministry, in co-operation with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of the Government of Japan, with the support from the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE).


    At the 6th CEFIA Forum, ASEAN+3 government officials, international organizations, universities, and private companies gathered on site to share progress on activities and discuss future activities aimed at energy transition towards a decarbonized energy system in the ASEAN region.




    For decades, a wide variety of cooperative activities have been carried out in the energy field among ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) countries. Such activities have resulted in making significant contributions to enhancing energy efficiency and facilitating energy transitions. To further promote such efforts broadly in the ASEAN region, it is becoming increasingly important to deepen the knowledge, facilitate information exchange, and develop projects and programs with policy design among ASEAN+3 countries through various activities, such as capacity-building programs, international conferences and workshops, and joint feasibility studies and demonstration projects.


    To achieve this, a new initiative named “Cleaner Energy Future Initiative for ASEAN” or “CEFIA” was proposed by Japan and welcomed by the ASEAN+3 Ministers on Energy at the 16th ASEAN+3 Meeting of Energy Ministers in Bangkok, Thailand on 5th September 2019. CEFIA serves as a platform to facilitate collaboration between public and private sectors in deployment of cleaner energy and decarbonization technologies in the ASEAN region.


    The CEFIA Forum was established under the ASEAN+3 New and Renewable Energy (NRE) and Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) Forum.


    The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th CEFIA Government-Private Forum

    The 1st CEFIA Forum was hosted by the Department of Energy, Government of the Philippines on 27th November 2019 (held in Manila, Philippines). The forum held discussions on CEFIA’s future action policies and its cooperation fields and explained specific cooperation projects. The 2nd CEFIA Forum was hosted by the Ministry of Energy of the Government of Thailand on 2nd February 2021 (web conference). The 3rd CEFIA Forum was hosted by the Energy Commission of the government of Malaysia on 21st February 2022 (web conference).The 4th CEFIA Forum was hosted by the Department of Energy, Government of the Philippines on 16th February 2023 (onsite and online). The 5th CEFIA Forum was hosted by Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia on 24th August 2023(onsite and online).

    The 5th CEFIA ForumCEFIA Digital Platform ( 



    Tuesday, 23 July 2024

    9:00-17:00 Bangkok Time, GMT+7




    The Sukosol Hotel Bangkok, Thailand

    Website: Bangkok City Hotel near Airport Rail Link | The Sukosol Hotel, Bangkok




    Agenda can be downloaded here: Agenda 

    • Session Time Agenda
      OPENING PLENARY 9:05-9:20

      Opening Remarks

      9:20-9:25 Group Photo
      SESSION I 9:25-9:45


      This session will provide an overview of APAEC Phase II Achievements for the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program Areas and Introduction of CEFIA and Highlight Its Activities


      • • Updates and Achievements of APAEC Phase II: 2021 - 2025

      (Presenter: ACE)

      Presentation material


      • Overview of CEFIA and Report for Fiscal Year 2023
      (Presenter: METI)
      Presentation material

      SESSION II ① 9:45-10:30


      This session will focus on the key achievements of the existing CEFIA Flagship Projects, showcasing the latest decarbonization technologies being promoted in the ASEAN region.


      • Activities of RENKEI Control: Unique and Integrated Concept on Energy Management System for ASEAN Business Establishments
      (Presenter: Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA))

      Presentation material


      • Activities of Zero Energy Building
      (Presenter: Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-W))

      Presentation material


      • Energy Efficient Technologies in ASEAN Iron and Steel Industry (SteelEcosol)
      (Presenter: International Environmental Strategic Committee, Japan Iron and Steel Federation)

      Presentation material


      • Q&A

      Coffee Break 10:30‐10:45 -
      SESSION II ② 10:45-11:30

      • CO2 Neutral Energy + Carbon Sink using Local Biomass
      (Presenter: Forest Energy Inc.)

      Presentation material


      • Carbon Neutrality solution: Healthy and Energy Efficient AC system for ASEAN market
      (Presenter: Daikin Industries, Ltd.)

      Presentation material


      • Distributed by Renewable Energy
      (Presenters: Kyudenko Corporation and Furukawa Battery)

      Presentation material


      • Q&A

      Lunch Break 11:30-13:00 -
      SESSION III 13:00-13:55


      This session will focus on proposed activities from new candidate CEFIA Flagship projects, showcasing the latest decarbonization technologies in the ASEAN region


      • Activities of Japan Hydrogen Association
      (Presenter: Japan Hydrogen Association (JH2A))

      Presentation material


      • Development of Clean Fuel Ammonia Value Chain
      (Presenter: Clean Fuel Ammonia Association (CFAA))

      Presentation material


      • e-F@ctory and SMKL (Smart Manufacturing Kaizen Level) for Digital Manufacturing, and Human Resources Development Activity in Thailand
      (Presenter: Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation (Thailand))

      Presentation material


      • Activities of JETRO Bangkok in Promoting Carbon Neutrality Business
      (Presenter: JETRO Bangkok)

      Presentation material


      • Q&A

      SESSION IV 13:55-14:45


      This session will address how to mobilize public and private finance to visualize the impacts and accelerate advancing cleantech innovation and entrepreneurship development for climate action


      • GHG Avoided Emissions Visualization

      (Presenter: Panasonic Holdings Corporation)

      Presentation material


      • Accelerating Project Formulation through Financing Flagship Project:
      (Presenters: ADFIAP and Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP))

      Presentation material (ADFIAP)

      Presentation material (DBP)


      • ASEAN Accelerator: Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) for ASEAN
      (Presenter: ACE)

      Presentation material


      • Q&A

      Coffee Break 14:45–15:00 -
      SESSION V 15:00-15:50


      This session will take a deep dive into the financing, activity support, and risk mitigation methods that are important to accelerate the development and deployment of energy efficiency and clean energy in ASEAN


      • Regional Context and Initiatives on Financial Instruments and De-Risking Mechanisms

      (Presenter: ACE)

      Presentation material


      • Panel Discussion on Financial Instruments and De-Risking Mechanisms for Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy Development in ASEAN

      (Panelist: Energy Commission of Malaysia)

      Presentation material

      (Panelist: DEDE of Thailand)

      Presentation material

      (Panelist: ADFIAP)

      Presentation material

      (Panelist: METI)

      Presentation material


      • Q&A

      SESSION VI 15:50-16:30


      This session will provide an update on APAEC Post-2025 development and gather feedback from ASEAN Member Stated on the key challenges for accelerating energy transition towards a decarbonized energy system in ASEAN and the support needed from CEFIA project


      • Development and Recommendations of APAEC Post-2025

      (Presenter: ACE)

      Presentation material


      • Open Discussion with ASEAN Member States

      FORUM WRAP-UP AND CLOSING 16:30–16:35 Post Survey
      16:35–16:50 Closing Remarks
      16:50–17:00 Group Photo for All Participants