The 7th CEFIA Forum

13 February 2025 at the Ariston Hotel, Kobe, Japan (Hybrid)                  


    The 7th CEFIA Forum will be held on 13 February 2025 in Kobe, Japan

    The 7th CEFIA (Cleaner Energy Future Initiative for ASEAN) Forum will be held on 13 February 2025 in Kobe, Japan.


    The CEFIA Forum is the Government-private forum, which is held on an annual basis, serving as a platform to facilitate collaboration between public and private sectors for accelerating the development of cleaner energy and decarbonization technologies in the ASEAN region.


    The 7th CEFIA Forum will be hosted by The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of the Government of Japan, with the support from the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE).


    Building on the success of the 6th CEFIA Forum, the 7th Forum will continue to provide a dynamic platform for collaboration between policymakers, industry leaders, and experts across the Asia-Pacific region. This year's forum will continue to focus on practical solutions for advancing decarbonization, fostering innovation in clean energy technologies, and strengthening partnerships to achieve net-zero goals.



    For decades, a wide variety of cooperative activities have been carried out in the energy field among ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) countries. Such activities have resulted in making significant contributions to enhancing energy efficiency and facilitating energy transitions. To further promote such efforts broadly in the ASEAN region, it is becoming increasingly important to deepen the knowledge, facilitate information exchange, and develop projects and programs with policy design among ASEAN+3 countries through various activities, such as capacity-building programs, international conferences and workshops, and joint feasibility studies and demonstration projects.


    To achieve this, a new initiative named “Cleaner Energy Future Initiative for ASEAN” or “CEFIA” was proposed by Japan and welcomed by the ASEAN+3 Ministers on Energy at the 16th ASEAN+3 Meeting of Energy Ministers in Bangkok, Thailand on 5th September 2019. CEFIA serves as a platform to facilitate collaboration between public and private sectors in deployment of cleaner energy and decarbonization technologies in the ASEAN region.


    The CEFIA Forum was established under the ASEAN+3 New and Renewable Energy (NRE) and Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) Forum.



    Thursday, 13 January 2025

    8:30-14:00 Tokyo Time, GMT+9


    Registration Form link below




    The Ariston Hotel, Kobe, Japan

    Website: [Official] Ariston Hotel Kobe


    Agenda (Tentative)


    Session Time (JST)


    Opening Plenary 8:30-8:40

    Opening Remarks

    ・Mr. Masaki Ogushi, State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan

    ・TBD, Executive Director, ASEAN Centre for Energy

    8:40-8:43 Group Photo

    Presentation: Progress of AZEC's Initiatives

    ・Mr. Naoki Kasuya, Senior Director for Energy and Environmental policy, METI


    Setting Scene Presentation

    Review of the Previous 6th CEFIA Forum, Directions from the 21st AMEM+3, and APAEC Phase II: 2021 – 2025 Achievements, and Updates on APAEC Post 2025



    Overview of the 7th Government-Private Forum on the CEFIA


    Session I: 

    Overview of Flagship Projects (FP)


    This session will present the key achievements of the existing CEFIA Flagship Projects, showcasing support in promoting decarbonization technologies for renewable energy and energy efficiency in the ASEAN region and outlining future support plans


    Activities of RENKEI Control: Unique and Integrated Concept on Energy Management System for ASEAN Business Establishments

    Presenter: Ms. Peoy Ying Lee, Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA)


    Activities of Net-Zero Energy Building

    Presenter: Mr. Katsuhiko Yamamoto, Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-W) / International Cooperation Division Technical Expert, The Energy Conservation Center, Japan


    Energy Efficient Technologies in ASEAN Iron and Steel Industry (SteelEcosol)

    Presenter: Dr. Fumitaka Kato, The Committee member for International Environmental Strategic Committee, Japan Iron and Steel Federation


    CO2 Neutral Energy + Carbon Sink using Local Biomass

    Presenter: Mr. Shingo Numa, CEO, Forest Energy Inc.


    Carbon Neutrality solution: Healthy and Energy Efficient AC system for ASEAN market

    Presenter: Mr. Hiroyuki Tanaka, Daikin Industries, Ltd.



    Presenter: Ms. Aoi Suzuki, Furukawa Battery


    Coffee Break

    9:50- 10:00


    Session II: CEFIA’S Cross-Cutting Field in Public and Private Finance


    This session will provide information on how to mobilize public and private finance to visualize the impacts and accelerate advancing cleantech innovation and entrepreneurship development for climate action


    • GHG Avoided Emissions Visualization
    • Method and Introduction of Avoided Emissions Visualization

    • Presenter: Mr. Teppei Yamaga, Managing Director, Sustainability Planning Department, Mizuho FG


    • Accelerating Project Formulation through Financing Flagship Project:
    Accelerate Financing of Green Initiatives - Advisory of Energy Efficiency Savings Financing Program of DBP
    • Presenter: Ms. Marina Teresita Lacerna, Legal Adviser and Lead Sustainable Finance and Green Develop, ADFIAP
    • ASEAN Accelerator: Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) for ASEAN

    Status Update of JAIF Project Proposal titled Enhancement of Clean Energy Technology Ecosystem and Its Connectivity in ASEAN (ASEAN Accelerator)
    Presenter: Dr. Zulfikar Yurnaidi, Head of Energy Modelling and Policy Planning (MPP) and Energy Efficiency and Conservation (CEE) Department, ACE

    Session III: CEFIA's New Flagship Projects - Hydrogen & Ammonia


    This session will present the advanced Japanese technologies for hydrogen and ammonia, highlight future plans and potential regional collaboration in supporting ASEAN decarbonization goals through CEFIA


    Japan's Hydrogen & Ammonia Policies

    Presenter: Mr. Yotaro Miyagawa, METI



    Presenter: Mr. Masaru Kawata, General Manager, Japan Hydrogen Association (JH2A)



    Presenter: Mr. Shuichiro Ueno, Deputy Secretary-General, Clean Fuel Ammonia Association (CFAA)


    ・New Flagship Project Announcement

    Presenter: JH2A, CFAA

    Session IV: Japanese Advanced Technologies


    This session will present the advanced Japanese technologies, including CCUS, and potential regional collaboration in supporting ASEAN decarbonization goals through CEFIA



    Presenter: Mr. Koji Ito, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries


    Next Generation Solar Cell Development: Perovskite-type Solar Cell

    Presenter: Mr. Takeru Bessho, SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD.



    Presenter: Mr. Shinichi Tsunoda, Operating Officer & General Manager, Sustainable Business Promotion Department, Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.




    Lunch Break



    Session V: ASEAN's Path to Decarbonization: Country Priorities, Regional Collaboration, and CEFIA's Role 13:00 - 13:50

    ASEAN Decarbonization Progress, Targets, and Initiatives with Dialogues Partners/International Organizations in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency under the APAEC Framework


    ・Country Priorities and Perspectives for Achieving Decarbonization Goals and Potential Support by CEFIA

    Presenters: Representatives from each AMS 

    Forum Wrap-Up and Closing 13:50-14:00

    Closing Remarks

    ・Mr. Norihiro Kimura, Senior Negotiator for Climate Change, Global Environmental Affairs Office, METI

    ・Executive Director, ACE (TBC)

    Group Photo 14:00-14:05

    All Participants