Knowledge Hub

What is CEFIA Collaboration Roadmap?

17 Mar. 2023

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CEFIA collaboration roadmap serves as a platform to facilitate three collaborations, i.e. collaborations between the private and public sectors, between CEFIA and the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Phase II, and between finance, policy frameworks, and decarbonising solutions.

Objectives of the roadmaps are (1) Serves as a platform to facilitate collaboration between public and private sectors, (2) Clarifies collaboration between CEFIA and APAEC Phase II, and (3) Promotes collaboration among the three main elements of finance, frameworks, and decarbonization solutions.

CEFIA Collaboration Roadmap was formally launched at the the 4th CEFIA Forum in Cebu, Philippines on 16 February 2023. 

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CEFIA collaboration roadmap serves as a platform to facilitate three collaborations, i.e. collaborations between the private and public sectors, between CEFIA and the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Phase II, and between finance, policy frameworks, and decarbonising solutions.

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