CEFIA Flagship: Biochar Webinar on 15 January 2024
22 Dec. 2023
The Biochar Webinar was held on Monday, January 15, 2024
▶Please click here for the archive video
▶Please click here for the report
In the webinar, three leading Japanese companies presented various benefits of biochar production and utilization, highlighting its significant contribution to carbon neutrality.
- Date: Monday, 15 January 2024
- Time: 14:00-16:00 (Bangkok, Jakarta), 15:00-17:00 (Kuala Lumpur, Manila), 16:00-18:00 (Tokyo)
- Organizer: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan (METI) and ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE)
- Speakers:
- Mr. Shingo Numa, CEO, Forest Energy Inc. (https://forestenergy.jp/)
- Mr. Shogo Okishio, Overseas Business Development, Business Development Department, TOWING Co., Ltd. (https://towing.co.jp/)
- Mr. Shinya Yamamoto, Center for Social System Engineering, Institute of Technology, Shimizu Corporation (https://www.shimz.co.jp/company/about/news-release/2022/2022030.html)
- Opening Remarks - METI
- Production of biochar as a by-product of energy utilization - Forest Energy Inc. ⇒Presentation Slides
- Introduction to BCR (Biochar Carbon Removal)
- Biochar production methods
- ASEAN opportunity
- Agriculture and biochar - TOWING Co., Ltd. ⇒Presentation Slides
- Introduction to TOWING’s high-performance biochar
- Case study
- ASEAN opportunity
- Carbon sequestration by mixing biochar into concrete - Shimizu Corporation ⇒Presentation Slides
- Biochar under consideration for mixing
- Effect on concrete
- Case study
- ASEAN opportunity
- Cross talk by three presenters (+ Q&A) ⇒Presentation Slides
- Closing Remarks - ACE
- Production of biochar as a by-product of energy utilization
- Introduction to BCR (Biochar Carbon Removal): Basic information on carbon sequestration by biochar, from the definition by IPCC to the typical methods of carbon fixation.
- Biochar production methods: The main method of producing biochar is pyrolysis (including gasification). There are two business models: one that produces biochar as the main product and one that produces biochar as a by-product of energy utilization. We will compare the two models and introduce our carbon-negative power plant.
- ASEAN opportunity: We will look into project opportunities in ASEAN countries using biomass gasification technology.
- Agriculture and biochar
- Introduction to TOWING’s high-performance biochar: High-performance biochar is a product that aims to realize an agricultural ecosystem that achieves both decarbonization and reduced chemical fertilizer use by attaching soil microorganisms to biochar, based on our soil microorganism cultivation technology.
- Case study: High-performance biochar is registered methodology in J-Credit (Japan’s carbon credit), and by applying to soil, it can contribute to carbon-negative farming. Same concept can be replicated in other countries.
- ASEAN opportunity: Biochar is beginning to be used in agriculture, and we see a great potential for decarbonization and reduced chemical fertilizer use by adding value through high-performance biochar.
- Carbon sequestration by mixing biochar into concrete
- Biochar under consideration for mixing: We are developing concrete mixed with biochar for the purpose of carbon sequestration. We mainly use biochar made from sawdust, which is a by-product of sawmills. We are also investigating other types of biochar derived from various biomass.
- Effect on concrete: Concrete mixed with biochar has the same performance as normal concrete. It can be produced in existing plants and can also be applied and pumped on site.
- Case study: We applied concrete that reduced CO2 emissions by 96% to the temporary pavement concrete at the construction site.
- ASEAN opportunity: We expect that by popularizing concrete mixed with local biochar, we can contribute to decarbonization and resource circulation in each country.
Read the biochar webinar report
Thank you all for your participations!
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