CEFIA Spotlight Blog

Snapshots from the 2nd CEFIA Forum (Session II)

24 Feb. 2021

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Session II:  APAEC Phase II and CEFIA Activities

One of the most important contribution by CEFIA is aiding APAEC activities to meet its goals. As ASEAN countries embark upon the renewed phase, Phase II of APAEC, it is imperative that we understand the objectives of APAEC Phase II and how these objectives are planned to be achieved in order to maximize the CEFIA’s contribution to APAEC II.


  • Further understanding of APAEC Phase II, its goals and planned activities including actions taking place in member countries
  • Further understanding of CEFIA and how CEFIA activities’ plan to contribute to APAEC Phase II including climate change impact
  • Initiate discussion towards creating CEFIA roadmaps


  • Sharing knowledge and recognition on CEFIA’s planned contribution to APAEC Phase II
  • Sharing understanding on the importance of climate change implications of CEFIA activities

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Session II:  APAEC Phase II and CEFIA Activities

One of the most important contribution by CEFIA is aiding APAEC activities to meet its goals. As ASEAN countries embark upon the renewed phase, Phase II of APAEC, it is imperative that we understand the objectives of APAEC Phase II and how these objectives are planned to be achieved in order to maximize the CEFIA’s contribution to APAEC II.

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